Jim Watson
Jim's Latest Interactions
During my first week working with Wachovia in Charlotte, I was assigned to Mickey Dry to learn how to make time payment loans. Yep--it was a long time ago. One of the first applications that I processed was from an applicant that did not qualify for a loan. Mickey instructed me to calll the customer and decline the loan. I followed his instructions. Here is the conversation and Mickey's response: "Mr. XXX. I am calling about your loan application. I have bad news for you. We are not going to make you this loan.".
I will never forget Mickey's reaacttion after I hung up. "Jim, that was TERRIBLE.'. Never say "We have bad news for you.". That was insulting and inappropriate. You must learn to be kind and pleasant to your customers ALWAYS. That resposnse was not kind and pleasant."
Well, I learned that lesson and many other lessons from Mickey. Mickey was a wonderful teacher and friend. We will miss him forever. Jim Watson
Posted on: Apr 27, 2020 at 4:32 PM
Hi Joe! Just saw your update. Glad you are doing well. One of my best Wachovia memories was the day that we went water skiing. Remember? My best to you, Jim Watson
Happy Birthday, Bert! Best wishes, Jim Watson