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•   Margie Mote  7/26
•   Theresa Reid  7/26
•   Lee Williams  7/26
•   Carolyn Gwyn  7/28
•   Carolyn James  7/28
•   Debbie Mickles  7/28
•   Sandra Mock  7/28
•   Irene Freeman  7/29
•   Thomas Reaves  7/30
•   Melvin Anthony  7/31
•   Carol Brown (Smith)  7/31
•   Freddie Marshall  7/31
•   Rick Remeikis  7/31
•   Mary Jo Walker  7/31
•   Jean Barr  8/1
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•   Bill Langley  2024
•   Jeff Weavil  2024
•   Dottie Bodenhamer  2024
•   Lynn Tierney  2024
•   Linda Butler  2024
•   Ed Sopp  2024
•   Lisa Stowe  2024
•   Kay Caudle (Mansfield)  2024
•   Gordon Upchurch  2024
•   Dick Snelsire  2024
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Wachovia Old Gang
Employees of the 60s, 70s & 80s

to the Wachovia Old Gang website  heart 

(this group is primarily for folks who worked  in the 60s thru 80s (and/or early 90s )


"When we are connected to others,
we become better people."

This site was launched in 2009 for Wachovians who worked in W-Salem at any time during the 60s-80s,  but  Wachovians of other cities during that era are welcome! 

If your name is not listed  contact Irma Comer . Please include when and where you worked for Wachovia.  kiss  Messages are generally responded to within 24 hours.


June 28, 2024:  Keith Sherman, Rick Daniel and Jack Clayton after a successful round of golf (they were finishing up counting their winnings)




  Continue scrolling for prayer requests



Fitz on Main in Kernersville is temporarily closed due to devastating fire on May 30. Due to the extensive damage, it will be months before David Fitzpatrick expects to reopen.


"He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds"  Psalms 147:3

June 25:  Saddened by the June 23rd death of retiree Bill Langley

 Other recent In Memory albums include memorial pages for Dottie Bodenhamer, Jeff Weavil and Debbie Brown.   See the IN MEMORY link to left of homepage.

Prayer request: 

June 2:  John Parham is in need of our prayers
as he manages another round of cancer. He has been diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer. A large sized tumor was removed in March.   During that time he had covid and a staff infection which led to being in the hospital, followed by rehab.  He expects to start chemo soon 


May 2, 2024:  Thanks to Sam Moss for sharing news involving a memorial for Walt Leonard (Walt died in 2019) 
 A cabin at a Boy Scout camp in Georgia has just been built and dedicated to Walt.  Mike Morgan has a thoughtful reflection of Walt's impact that is included in a brochure about the cabin.  

Thanks to J.T. Martin for this picture.  This group meets regularly at various WS restaurants.  From left:  J.T. Martin, Danny Wooten, Regina Hoover, Teresa Myers, Nancy LaPrad, Debbie Coe Deatherage, Carol Mason, Karen Sapp, and Marilyn Reid   2024

Thanks to Karen Pinnix for sharing this April 2024 picture of Linda Stokes, Sharon Fernandi, Karen, and Monika Vest.  This is from the 19th luncheon of a few of the members of the IMG crowd (Implementation Management Group)


 April, 2024:  Congratulations to Diane Bacon on her Feb. 6, 2024 retirement.  She started with the bank in June 1980.  44 years of loyal service is quite an achievement!   


 April 2024:   It was great seeing Ron Black in Fitz on Main recently.  I tried uploading his photo here, but it wouldn't post correctly.  It has been added to the Fitz/Wachovia photo album in the Photo Gallery link. (left of homepage). 



March 14, 2024:  Long time friends catching up at The Varsity- Paul Boone and Thad Harrington

Jan. 29, 2024:  Thanks to Jack Meckler for forwarding this advertisement which was in the Wall St. Journal in the late 70s.  This is one of a series of full page ads Wachovia ran in the Wall St. Journal featuring sketch portraits of managers of various corporate services that were offered to corporations.  This ad represents Cash Management,  featuring Bob Fentress. 

October 4, 2023:  It was just today that I came across a Sept. 2022 event honoring our very own Virginia Hepner.   What a great honor !  Congratulations Virginia on your dedication and many contributions to the Atlanta community.   Click below:


Here's a slideshow of pictures from the Sept. 16, 2023 luncheon at River Birch Lodge.  These pictures can also be viewed by opening the Photo Gallery link.

heartYou can also view these photos by opening the Photo Gallery link (top of homepage), and then opening the  Misc. Wachovia News album (you have to log-on to assess the Photo Gallery link)

 Help keep our site updated with news of a varying nature.   Let us hear from you with what's going on in your livessmiley.
Forward info thru the Contact Us link (left of the homepage), or emailing directly to


Nov. 28, 2019 

I was super happy when opening my inbox this am - as an email with the long awaited reunion video was among my messages..
It's a little over 13 minutes --  I especially love the individual interviews!  Open the Wachovia Reunion link below heart

Wachovia Reunion 2019

The photos taken by the photographer are available in the link below  This link is also available within the Photo Gallery )


The photos and video were produced by JT Perceptions:



FYI To the left of the home page - under Member Functions - open the Notify Me link (you have to be logged on for the page to open). Once opened -  there's an instruction on what action you can take to be  notified when updates occur on the site.   i.e, you might want to receive an immediate notification when an employee is added to the In Memory section.   The info displayed is self-explanatory heart